Sunday, July 18, 2010

Collaborative Technology

I love the idea of collaborative technology, though I didn’t see how it could be practical in a school with 800+ kids until I started thinking of the information that can be found online. When I need to know something, I go to google, type in my question, and within seconds I have the answer, or something in the ballpark to go on. I then thought of all of the information I teach my students in a year. How much of it goes in one ear and out the other? How many of the kids would like to see or hear the information again but don’t have a chance? I know that students learn on their own time, and some learn better at different times than others. I thought it would be great to create our own little Wikipedia, I’d call Gracemorpedia, and have the students write the articles.
I went and made for free that we can use as a school if other teachers are interested. Everything else needed to do it should be readily available, internet access, word processing software, and image software are already on the computers. I would just take the students’ saved work and upload it into the wiki.
I think this would be an awesome tool in any classroom, or even school wide. I hope to introduce it to my colleges, and hopefully get our own little wiki world going at Gracemor!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Photo Story

I became so excited when I heard about what we were going to do this week. I love the idea of having narration to videos, and I enjoy the chance to add an auditory part to a visual subject. I immediately downloaded Photo Story and got to work (I finished at midnight on Sunday, I was that excited!) I then began thinking about how I could have my students do their own project. I am big into group work because some students are stronger than others and can help them along. I think research is very important, so the idea of having them research an artist seemed good.

This is a group project that will have to take place at school, so I would need to reserve a computer lab for students to use. I will also need microphones (at least 7 of them) that run around $20, internet access which is already available, and Photo Story 3 for Windows which is free.

I can see using this for tons of projects, from researching an ancient culture, to demonstrating a production process. I am looking forward to integrating this technology into my classroom in the future!

Friday, July 2, 2010


One of my favorite projects that I teach is my 4th grade Graphic design project. I have taught this lesson 3 times, and each time it has changed. I try to integrate things from student’s everyday life as much as possible, so the information they learn in the classroom relates to their real world. Graphic design is something almost everyone sees every day. Even the computer screen you’re looking at right now has been effected by a graphic designer in some way (I see DELL on mine).
I am a story teller, and I love to talk. When I thought of a podcast I could create to go along with a lesson I thought of the funny stories and phrases I come up with when doing this project, and I thought they would be fun to record. I wanted to make something that would be entertaining. It is difficult to keep students engaged, and I know that students respond better when humor is involved. I also know that an effective teacher tries to relate lessons to the “real-world” in order to make the learning experience meaningful for students.
Podcasting can be relatively inexpensive. I used Audacity to record my podcasts, which is free to download. Microphones can be found pretty reasonably as well. I just found one on for $0.01. I’m not sure of the quality of the microphone, but it seems affordable. Others seem to range around $15-$25 depending on the brand. If you want a combo Microphone-Headset they range from $0.01 to $45.
I am looking forward to using podcasts in my classroom. I hope to do podcasts with extra information that my students can access about projects and pieces of art from their own homes.